Avaclear Pool Professionals is a top quality cleaning, maintenance, and repair company for your swimming pool, fountain, or spa. We proudly service residential and commercial swimming pools all over South Florida. Our weekly pool service will keep your commercial or residential swimming pool spotless and ready for you to use all year long. All of our swimming pool technicians are polished, professional, and well-groomed. So you can feel confident having them on your property to service your swimming pool. At Avaclear, we have years and years of experience maintaining corporate and personal swimming pools. So no pool is too big or too small for us. If your pool is green, we can make it clear again in no time guaranteed! Call us today for immediate service, and we will get you on the schedule to have your swimming pool cleaned as soon as possible.

Weekly Pool Service Includes:

  • Cleaning The Pump Strainer
  • Emptying The Skimmer Basket
  • Full Water Testing
  • Apply All Needed Chemicals
  • Full Pool Vacuuming
  • Skim Complete Water Surface
  • Brush All The Pool Walls
  • Wash Filter As Needed

Here are some more swimming pool services offered by Avaclear Pool Professionals. Avaclear is proud to offer its customers new swimming pool construction, swimming pool repairs, Diamond Brite applications, pool tile installation and replacement, pool pump replacement and repairs, pool motor replacement and repairs, acid washing, phosphate or algae cleanups, leak detections, pool pavers, concrete work, and pressure washing. If you need any of these services for your pool or a pool you manage, then please call our office today or use the form on the right side of the page to schedule service. A member of our team will respond to you quickly, be happy to answer all your questions, and get your service scheduled right away. Thank you for choosing Avaclear!

Phone: (954) 629-5979

Email: AvaclearPoolPros@Gmail.com

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